DCF Scholarship Award

To qualify for a DCF Scholarship award, the applicant must:

  • Have been in out-of-home care (OHC) court ordered (Ch. 48 or 938) placement (kinship, foster home, group home or residential care center) and left OHC at age 18 or older; or
  • Was in an OHC placement on their 16th birthday and went to court ordered guardianship or adoption from an OHC placement any time after attaining the age of 16.
  • Aged out of OHC placement in another state but has become a permanent resident of Wisconsin prior to attending a Wisconsin postsecondary institution.
  • Be accepted into a postsecondary institution (i.e., college, vocational or technical program) at the time the application is submitted.
  • Be age 20 or less, unless enrolled in a postsecondary program and receiving the DCF Scholarship on his/her 21st birthday, thus extending eligibility to the student’s 23rd birthday.

Scholarships may be awarded up to the cost of attendance and may not exceed $5,000. Funds for all scholarships will be
paid directly to the institution. Funds may not be used for outreach, enrichment, special student programs or any other
program participation costs. Unused funds will be returned to the DCF.

Up to $5,000